Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Our baby Girl is 9-months-old


I can't believe it! Last week our little Mylee turned 9-months-old!

I took her in today for her 9-month checkup and here are her stats:

Length= 26 inches which is in percentile 5
Weight= 15 pounds which is below percentile 5

Still tiny. Doctor doesn't seem to worried because she is growing but just at a slower rate. If she drops below her progress line, at all next checkup, he said they will have to run some test, but if she stays steady she will be fine...I'm not to worried because I think she is going through a growth spurt right now - she is eating a lot! :)

Here are some other things about Mylee:
-Still doesn't sleep through the night - usually wakes up 2 or 3 times.
-says "dada" all the time, no mama yet :(
-Can hold her balance while standing (without holding onto anything)
-crawls on all fours
-Still wearing 3-6 month clothes
-Still in size 1-2 size diapers
-Loves to eat what everyone else is eating
-Still only take a 4 oz. bottle at a feeding
-Loves to watch Toy Story 2 with Austin (I know I am horrible, I let her)
-No teeth yet
-Doesn't laugh much, except at Austin
-Is VERY tickleish (that's the only way I can get her to laugh)
-Is a very content baby.
-Still takes 2 (1/2-1hr) naps a day
-Has found her voice - likes to scream
-She likes to crawl up to me and climb all over me (but gives me a big hug while she does it).
We are really bless to have such a sweet baby girl! She has been such a wonderful addition to our family. I can't get over her beautiful blue eyes...which she got from her daddy (she looks so much like him). I can already tell she is going to be a daddy's girl.
Here are some pictures from the past couple months:

Daddy's girl

doesn't like the grass much - she trys to keep both legs up when she sits on it.

Asleep in her playstation...I know it's gross (after I saw the pictures I cleaned it really good) We have to feed her in this or her bumbo chair because she is to small for a high chair.

her 7-month collage
A little side note: While I waited for the doctore to come in (only 30 minutes) I measured Austin...fully dressed he weight: 31 lbs. 6 oz. and he is about 38 1/2 inches tall - he is such a big kid!!! If I did it right that puts him Length = above percentile 95 Weight = between percentile 50 and 75. I sure hope he stays tall! :)


Tony and Shani said...

I still love how she sticks out her tongue for photos or the crinkle face. Congrats on 9 months!

Shelley Patterson said...

That is so funny how much she dislikes grass. I can't believe how tiny she is too. She is so cute!