Yeap that's right we are all sick again (well Aaron isn't YET). The past few days have been a little rough around here. Austin started not feeling well Thursday night and it really hit him Saturday night. I started with a soar throat on Friday and it hit me Sunday morning. And the past few days it has gotten to I am sure Aaron is next!
I don't think I have ever done this much laundry in my life - between the throwing up and diarrhea Austin's whole crib has been washed about 3 times in 2 days. Mylee was the first to throw up in it (I put her in Austin's crib Saturday night while I put away clothes and cleaned). She did fall asleep in it first and she looked so cute I had to take a picture:
Once I got it all cleaned up and finally put back together, Austin threw up in it.
Last night was horrible. Mylee is so congested that she couldn't sleep unless I held her up and the humidifier was hitting her. So needless to say I didn't sleep. This is seriously how the night went.
11:00 Mylee feel asleep nursing so I put her to bed.
11:30 Mylee woke up crying...nursed her back to sleep
12:00 Mylee woke up crying...held her by the humidifier tell she fell asleep
12:15 woke up crying again...did humidifier again until asleep put her in her boopy pillow to sleep
2:30 woke up crying...nursed her to sleep put her in her boppy pillow
3:00ish Austin woke up crying - Throw up and diarrhea EVERYWHERE
(put him in our bed while I cleaned up the mess)
3:40 I finally get back into bed.
6:00 Mylee wakes up to nurse again...falls asleep by humidifier.
And I had to make many trips to the bathroom just for my coughing attacks (I didn't want to wake the baby so I would have to sneak into the bathroom to cough up a lung! :)
***A King size bed sure does come in handy when you have to have the whole family sleeping in it! Oh and Gizmo (our cat) even cuddled up to Austin for a little bit.And after the horrible night I had to take the kids to their check-ups (Austin's 2-year and Mylee's 4 month) and right after they both got shots - yeah I feel like a mean mommy. But we did get some antibiotics for Austin so lets hope we can kick this little bug that has been in our house the past week!
***I will be doing a post later of the kids' new stats - lets just say Austin is still huge and Mylee is still tiny!Since this was such a downer of a post I thought I'd throw in these cute pictures of Austin and Mylee playing.
He loves to build
She is a pretty happy baby when she is not hungry...
and she always has her hand in her mouth!
Wow I actually got a post done and completed in one sitting - that's because Austin is taking a good nap and Mylee is nursing - AGAIN! :)