Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Parade & Fair Fun

I can't believe it's fair time once again...where does the time go? I don't have much to write about but I've got pictures so I'll just post them and they pretty much tell what we did this Labor Day weekend.
Daddy bought Austin a balloon ($3 rip-off)
He can now say balloon.
My sister and her sweet baby girl
She is such a proud mommy!
Khloee was blessed Sunday.
Keagan, Dan, and Austin riding the golfcart

Jessie, me, & baby Khloee

Kyler was having a blast dancing in this during the parade
we hope he gets his mothers dance moves and not his dads.

The family watching the parade go by...

The kids waiting for candy
(Keagan, Brooklyn, Brealyn, KarLee, Randee, Taylor)

Sweet baby Jakson sleeping


Aaron always asks me what I would do if we ever won the lottery,
I figure this will be the closest we ever get.
Which makes me laugh that he always asks me that question
when we don't even buy tickets!
Austin and Ryan checkin out the animals

Austin did pretty good with the animals until the goats
when they touched him he totally freaked out.

Aaron wasting his money on games.

OK only those of you who are Napoleon Dynamite fans
will even know who this guy is.
He was the farmer that shot the cow
as the school kids watched from the bus...
Aaron was so excited to meet him and get a picture with him.


Chelsi said...

Love the fair! You are getting so close... hope you are feeling good. Can't wait to see pics of her. Wish you were in UT to take pics of our little man.

Micah and Jen said...

DOn't you just love our "easy access" to the parade? IT's really nice! :) The fair....always good times, and YES, I didn't know who that man was....AWESOME!