Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Austin is 9 Months

My little baby had his 9 month check up on Monday....he's not so little anymore.

Austin now weighs 20lbs. 9 oz. and is 29 3/4 inches long. And the doctor said he is right on track.
I haven't taken a lot of pictures this past month (well of Austin I should say).

So here is a list of new things Austin learned to do this past month.

-He now waves and says, "Ba-Ba" (which is Bye-Bye)
-He babbles all the time saying "Da-Da" and "Mab-Mab" (Not clear enough to be mom yet)
-He walks in his walker
-He is a little money, he likes to do what you do, "monkey see monkey do" Aaron like to do different things and make different noises to do how much Austin will follow. I swear he is a little sponge.

Here are some pictures I did get of some new things:

Austin's First Passport Photo

Oh my goodness he will hate me for this photo. He wasn't happy when we were doing his passport photo - but we needed it right away so we could get it in the mail so this is what we got out of him. And people say my kid is always smiling in portraits. :)
Austin's First Haircut
He was ok at first but soon it was panic....

He was not happy

Yay - he doesn't have an old man combover! :)
Thanks Grandma Jan for the wonderful haircut!

Austin tries to help Mom

So I was washing some pots in the sink and I turned around and this is what I found.
He loves to climb on EVERYTHING! And he just decided to climb up on the dishwasher and play with his bottles. I was really cute, he gave me that just melts my heart.

Austin's First time getting Sick

Austin has been such a healthy baby and he had never been sick until a few weeks ago.
He had been whinny for a while and finally it was to the point where I knew he wasn't himself.
I took him in and they found that he had an ear infection in his left ear.
So they put him on Amoxicillin. He was on if for about a week and than he broke out really bad in a rash all over his face and body. I was really worried so I took him back in and they switched medicine and when he went back in for his checkup he was cleared.
don't know if you can tell but his face is covered in red dots.
I felt so bad for my baby.
I guess my little baby is turning into a little boy. I guess it's time for another baby.....j/k I've got my hands full for the moment! :)
Mommy loves you Austin!!!

1 comment:

Micah and Jen said...

What a busy little guy....he is so adorable! Any my Gabe...20 lbs. 6 oz. and 18 months old! NICE! We should get them together to play! :)