Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Picture overload!!!

Here is just a warning that this post will be full of pictures!!

First off I knew I'd fall behind on Austin's days....but I did take the pictures everyday...just got to busy to post them!!! So here are the past days of Austin:

Day 5: Austin loves to put on shoes,
he has done this since we could walk
but this picture is funny to me because
he has my platform flipflops on and
they are in between the wrong toes...

Day 6: Loves to play in my desk
I have a desk that has a place for the tower
I can't put my tower in it because it
overheats all the time. So Austin likes
to play in it.

Day 7: Likes to play with stickers
He likes it when I put stickers all over him.

Day 8: Loves his binkie
Yeap he still has his binkie! And he LOVES IT!
No worries he has to say goodbye to it next year!

Day 9: Likes his fruits
This kid LOVES fruits, his favorites are
apples & bananas
we have to watch him with the apples
because he's eat it whole (core and all)

Now that I am caught up with Austin's Days....
Here is a peak at our 5 minute attempt to take family pictures!
Not bad for 5 minutes! Thanks to Aaron's little sister Danee! We did these last night. I figured I'd better just bite the bullet and just get them done before it was to late! It was so cold and we didn't even try to make the kids smile! But atleast we have a family picture with Mylee in it! :)
I hope I can get a card designed tonight so I can send to friends and family (if you want one, I need your address!)

Of course I have to throw in this sweet picture of Aaron and cute!
Also while I am on a roll I am just going to throw in the 2 pictures I have from Mylee's blessing day (this past Sunday). I know I am once again a horrible mom...I forgot to take pictures! It was a very busy day! I have to dress Mylee up again so I can take pictures of her in her dress (my mother made her dress, I made the hairbow & braclet).
Mylee and Aaron before her blessing
Keagan & KarLee loving on Mylee

As you can see we have been pretty busy around here. But we are having fun!! I love being home with my two kids (while I stay busy with my photography of course) Austin keeps things interesting and fun! Hopefully I will remember to contiune his stay tuned!


Shelley Patterson said...

Super cute pics! Mylee is getting so beautiful. I loved her blessing dress- so cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics--My Austin still has his binky for nap/bed time. It is probably more me than him holding onto that habit.

Micah and Jen said...

You are such a busy girl! I am SUPER impressed you got something blogged....I am sooo behind! :) Mylee's blessing was beautiful! She looked like a little angel! And your family pics turned out awesome! LOVE THEM!!!! The one of you and Aaron is really really great! Great job on all you have been are super woman/mom!

The WIlloughby Family said...

You have such a cute family! Austin is so cute and Mylee is so pretty!!!