Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hows it goin?

Well I thought I better post an update of what has been happening to the trio...

Aaron has been golfing...oh wait that's not an update, that's just the norm :) Oh I love my husband to death and I am glad he has a hobby that keeps him busy - I know I couldn't handle all of his attention! He has spoiled me a little lately by taking Austin with him when he has golfed.
I have been so busy with all of my sessions and editing it has helped me out so much and I really appreciate it. He even came and helped me with a session a few nights ago and was such a help with making the little girl smile! And now he is gone with his family to Bear Lake for the weekend and took Austin - they have been gone for only a few hours and I miss them! But I am getting caught up on my editing which is heaven right now! I stayed home because it didn't sound like much fun sleeping on the ground when you are 29 weeks pregnant and being out in the sun when you are sunburned all over!

Anyways to the fun stuff....oh wait this isn't much fun. The beginning of the week every time I would walk downstairs I would smell this sour smell and I couldn't figure out what it was than Tuesday morning when I went to wake up Austin I was for sure it was something in his room...I search and cleaned for over and hour an I looked over by his little night table in the corner by his crib and I found the source...

Yeap that's right, more water damage. It seems to happen every 6 months (6 months ago out main water line broke along with a pipe in our bathroom when we were out of town and it flooded our master bathroom and bedroom - 6 months earlier our furnace had problems and our 1/2 bath and hallway had water damage - 6 months earlier when we were trying to get the basement finished we had a pipe broke and flood the basement (that one has actually broke 2 or 3 times since we moved in) and those aren't counting all the little leaks we've had) But hey every pipe in our house is brand new now! Anyways you get the picture! But the weird thing is that we pulled back all the carpet in Austin's room where the water was and the plumber can and said he couldn't figure where the water was coming from and the next day all the water was dried up??? The plumber hasn't come back so we don't know what the problem is - we are thinking that when the big storm hit on Father's Day that maybe water got in and it somehow settled in the corner....who knows. So now I have a tore up nursery, the kicker is that I was going to paint and get the nursery decorated with the babies stuff since Aaron and Austin were going to be gone and of course I can't now. It seems that I can't get ready for babies...with Austin I didn't even have a place to live until he had been here a week and I didn't get to decorate his room much. And so I was so excited for this time. Guess not.

Ok this is turning into a novel - Here are some pics from the past week and what we've been doing.

I went with some friends and their kids to Ross Park yesterday and got really sunburned - even my legs got burned, and I even used sunscreen, more than once!

This is Austin and Raegyn (Jenna's little girl)

He has fun feeding her snacks!
Makes me a little hopeful that he will be a good big brother!

Last Saturday we went to the mall in Idaho Falls

Austin and Aaron did one of those photo painting booths - I love it!

As for me Sunday I started my 28th week of being pregnant, YAY!

I also had a doctors appointment on Wednesday - I was not happy. I have now gained 8 lbs (I know everyone says that's nothing but to me that's a lot since I started out 20 lbs over weight!! Anyways I was all depressed Wednesday. And I feel like I have just blown up the past week~ But I think I am starting to get over that because I will be 29 weeks and that means I only have 11 weeks left - I can see the light! I also feel her move all the time and I love it (well when Im not trying to sleep). It's always fun when you think you can feel a foot or elbow poke out. Even though I am stressing about her name - STILL! But I will write about that in a new post!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sorry about the water problems nothings worse then having to clean while pregnant. You look great don't let a few pounds bother you I gained 50 pounds with both girls and let me remind you I was 3 weeks early with Hallie and 5 weeks early with Matti so I had the potential to go a lot higher.