Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Couples Tag...

1. How long have you been together? This October will be a total of 8 years of dating and December will be 4 years of marriage.
2. How long did you date? since I was a sophmore in high school
3. How old is he? 25
4. Who eats more? Aaron does - but I can give him a run for his money
5. Who said “I love you” first? he did and I said thanks.
6. Who is taller? Aaron - I am want Austin to get his height
7. Who is smarter? Aaron is but he doesn't know it.
8. Who does the laundry? Me - I don't think he even knows how to run the washer.
9. Who does the dishes? Me - with help from the dishwasher, I don't know how I ever lived without it for that year.
10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do - Im the one who gets up at night for Austin.
11. Who pays the bills? I do - but Aaron provides most of the funds.
12. Who mows the lawn? Both
13. Who cooks dinner? I do - well if you call out of the box cooking, but Aaron loves his new grill.
14. Who is more stubborn? I think it is about even
15. Who kissed who first? I kissed me on Halloween in front of his little sister - yeah who does that!
16. Who asked who out? He asked me to Prom my sophmore year and I didn't know who he was - and I am so glad he did.
17. Who proposed? Aaron did - right when I came out of the bathroom with a towel on...yeah he has such great timing.
18. Who is more sensitive? Me all the way.
19. Who has more siblings? Aaron does
20. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was in 8th grade and he was a Freshmen so we didn't know each other than.

Five things on our to do list
1. Get yard work done
2. Roof house
3. New driveway
4. Grout new shower
5. Decorate new walls

5 things we would do if we were suddenly made billionaires:
1. Pay off our remaining debt.
2. Travel
3. Invest
4. Build savings
5. And Aaron would get his dream truck and I'd get my dream studio

Five places we have lived
1. Apartment in Pocatello
2. A brief time at my parents house
3. Our current home
4. Who knows - but some where in Blackfoot
5. -

Five jobs we have had
Misty: Paper route, Umpire, Scorekeeper, Bingham Co-op food court, Haddons, Wingers
Aaron: A construction company, his own dollar store, Haddons, that's all I know of.

Things people don’t know about us:
Misty: I HATE PIZZA, I collect Precious Moments, I always wear Flip Flops, When I eat a cheeseburger I have to eat the outside first - in a circle. Im addicted to TJ Maxx, secretly wishes could be crafty.

Aaron: his feet and butt are so tickleish, won't eat veggies, Hates it when his hands are wrinkled from water - but loves baths, Wanted to be a realtor, snores like none other (except his dad), Eats the outside of cheeseburgers and steaks so I can eat the inside - he's so sweet.

Copy and paste these questions and your answers on your blog.

You’re it! Go!

Thanks Jenn it was fun! I also thought it would be fun to pull up some pics of us when we were dating.

Our second Prom

Right before he left on his mission


Micah and Jen said...

So fun to learn more about you guys!!! I love these tags....I did tons of them last summer abut Micah & I and it's great to see where people started out as. I can't believe that is Aaron in the prom looks NOTHING like him! :) You have such a cute little family....who would have thought 8 years ago you would be where you are? Pretty amazing huh??? Again, so fun to get to know more about you two!!

Unknown said...

Wow, how time goes by. It's hard to belive it's been that long. I forgot that you hate pizza, what the heck is wrong with your taste buds? JK The pics of Austin are too cute!!