Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Busy as can be

I can't believe we are headed into Fall already! It seems like summer was gone in a blink! I don't mind it because I LOVE Fall! It's my favorite time of year. October is my favorite month! But I am afraid if our little family doesn't slow down we are going to miss it! Since we have been so busy I decided to take a breather and blog what we have been up to!


Well last post was about the fair. I never posted anything about the Poison concert Aaron and I went to. Ever since I was little I have totally LOVED Poison! This is probably because my older brother and sister, James and Cyndee liked them. Unfortunately my parents did not like them so they had to hide the CD from them maybe that was another reason I liked them! :)

But when I heard that they were coming to the fair I told Aaron we had to go. My mom watched Austin for the first time - and I think my dad held him the whole time (it is cute how much my dad is warming up to Austin) Aaron didn't know a lot of the songs but I think he still had a good time. We were 5-10 feet away from the stage and about halfway through I had the move to the back because the guy next to me was smoking the whole time. I was having a hard time enjoying myself with all the smoke in my face. Other than that I loved it!


Sept 7th is my sister Cyndee's birthday; she lives in Utah and doesn't see much of our family so Aaron and I decided that we should go surprise her. We called her hubby Steve and told him we were coming up that day. I think she was really shocked that we came down just to see her! I think she was happy. We spend the day with her family and had a blast at "Fat Catz" - a really fun place with lots to do. We played "Deal or No Deal" which was a lot of fun! We went miniature golfing - and I had 3 hole-in-ones. Than we went bowling - I was awful!!!! It's been to long. But we had fun!
In the mini golf area
Blake playing "Deal or No Deal" - he was pretty good.
Cyndee & Steve
Austin riding the mini merry go cute!



And on the 10th of this month Austin turned 7 months old! CRAZY! He is doing so much now and is SOOOO ACTIVE!!! He pulls himself up onto everything, and when he can't he'll crawl and get into something he's not suppose to. He doesn't like him Johnny jumper that much anymore - he just want me to hold him so he can jump. He is getting to be so time consuming - But he is as cute as can be!!!

Austin's favorite playmate, his daddy

Crawling - he's been doing this a while but now he has got the hand over hand down instead of scooting. He is always on the move.

Loves to look in the mirror at himself and smiles, here he is clapping and smiling at himself.

I love this, he has been doing this for about a month now but I finally took a picture of it. He will hold himself up in the tub and peek over...usually to try and find Gizmo. Such a cute little tushy!
This picture has a story. One day, almost a month ago, I put Austin down for a nap in his crib and I went upstairs to edit some photos...well it had been about an hour (Austin never takes long naps, usually 15 mins.) and I was a little worried so I went to check on him and I opened the door slowly and this is what I saw! It was so cute and funny. I don't know how long he had just been standing like that. But he was happy! When ever I put him in his crib awake he will pull himself up and just smile!



The next weekend (this past weekend) Dan and Jan decided to go visit Mindee and Brent (Mindee is Aaron's sister). And Aaron decided we should go...well I had a problem, I had a photo shoot so I couldn't go, and so Aaron and Austin went without me. That was very hard for me. I missed my baby so much. They were gone until Monday. I was really going through withdrawals. Every time I'd see a baby I'd want to cry! I know I’m a baby myself, but Austin has become my little buddy! Aaron was a little mad that I didn't miss him as much as Austin. Thing is I am used to not seeing Aaron all the time. But I am so happy they are home. And Austin said he had a blast with Mindee! I really wish I could have gone- But I did get a lot done while they were gone so it was nice to see like I finally got something accomplished!


Jenn & Kiddos said...

Never slow down! That's what keeps life fun!

The Hunters said...

Holy Cow, you guy never slow down! You have been busy the last couple of weeks! I hops to see you & Austin soon!! :)

Micah and Jen said...

My goodness you have been busy! I love the bum picture....I have a few of those in my scrapbooks and they are my fav! :)