So yesterday Austin had his 2 month check-up (even though he's 2 1/2 months now). He is getting chunky, he weighted in at 12 lbs. even and 23 1/2 inches long. I had a list of questions for the doctor (can't help it I am a new mom, I worry) and everything was as it should be. My babe is healthy and strong and I couldn't ask for anything more, he even sleeps through the night - he's just perfect! But one thing I noticed is he loves to eat! He is eating every 2 hours and he takes his time when he eats. One bottle feeding usually takes an hour (I guess he likes to savor the taste - it was worse when I was breastfeeding him). So I feel like I spend my whole day feeding him. The doctor said that's fine - I never get anything done, and I don't want to prop him when he eats. I just can't wait until I can start feeding him some cereal, I hear that holds them over longer. But right now I guess I will have to do what I am doing and spend my whole day feeding him and when night comes and he sleeps for 8 hours that when I get time to to things...well I got to go feed my baby, again. :)
I am surprised that he is so happy and content in these pictures because at his check-up he also got his 2 month shots, he screamed and I felt so bad (they made me hold him down, I hated it, I couldn't watch - but I am a baby when it comes to needles).