Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Friday, August 13, 2010

We are Still Here...

I promise we are still around...just busy as can be!!!

I love summer! So many things to do with the family! But I feel guilty for being gone every weekend and missing church for the past 2 months. We need to get better about this!

As you can tell I am REALLY behind on my bloggin! And the longer I neglect it the more pictures I take and the more I don't want to sit down and do it.

So here is a HUGE post of what has been going on the past month or so, plus a few things I haven't blogged about yet!


OK this picture has a story:
You know the wall (in Utah) you pass on the interstate around Brigham City
that has all of the Return Missionary names on it?
Well we went down last weekend to go write Jordan's (Aaron's brother) name.
Well it didn't work out how we planned (and Jan even contacted the city).
The picture is of the guy that stopped's a long story
and I don't feel like blogging about it right now
but this guy was a total jerk to us and the cop even tried to talk him into letting us do it.

We also went down to Hill AFB for my nephew Blake's baptism
and Khloee's birthday party. The picture below I had to post...
It is of my cute little nephew Kyler enjoy a big cupcake while
relaxing in Khloee's wagon - he is so much like his daddy (loves his sweets)
After the party my sister and I took Mylee and Khloee to get their ears pierced
The picture above is of Mylee getting ready. I felt so mean but she looks to cute!

The following pictures are from an afternoon of playing in the Sprinklers:
Austin is a good big brother when he wants to be
Mylee LOVES the water...a lot more than Austin does
After many crying attempts with his cousins this summer
Austin will FINALLY play in water!

Mylee, Brady, & Austin
Brady (Aaron's cousin) came to Blackfoot to spend the summer. Austin LOVED IT!
He liked hanging out with Brady, and Brady was really good with Austin and Mylee.
He left a couple of weeks ago and Austin misses him.
This picture was taken the day he left.

Mylee and KarLee hanging out at Grandpa Earl's house in Utah a few weekends ago
I know we should just move to Utah- we are there enough!
I had the opportunity of watching this cute little girl again.
Khloee came to stay with me for about a week while her family
went to a funeral in Illinois (Blake and Cade's mother past away)
And I was lucky enough to get to spend her birthday with her
we got her her own cake!
Here is what happens when your baby gets a hold of a scripture marking pencil
if the pencil gets wet it acts like a marker!!
Mylee and Daddy playing with legos after church one Sunday.
Austin LOVES to color!
Two days before Mylee turned 10=months-old she took her first steps
She was walking right after she turned 10 months
but now she prefers to crawl, it is much faster I guess!
Here is my silly little boy with his first camera,
it was so dang cute! He would tell me to say "Cheese"
OH and another thing I never blogged about that is a HUGE deal
Austin has been official potty trained for a while now
notice the cute little undies, he looks so cute in them!! :)
I am very proud of him!
I tried at the first of the summer and he did well for a few days
but I got peed on twice and I quit (I think if I would have held out longer
he would of had it down). I gave him a month rest and started again and he
did so well! We only had a few accidents (once he got locked outside
and the other I think he was to busy playing with his friends he just waited to long).
But I do still make him sleep in a diaper...but he is usually dry in the morning
so I don't think I will do that much longer!
Who said it's harder to potty train a boy!
My little boy is a big boy now!
Well I guess that catched you up on what's been going on with the Mc's...Oh wait Aaron and I we both playing softball (Aaron did mens and I did womens). My team took 3rd (should have been second or first). But we start our co-ed team on Monday (if they get enough players) I am so excited. Austin ask me everyday if I am playing be-ball (how he says baseball). It's cute, he loves the game maybe even more than golf now! :)
Which surprising enough Aaron has cut his golf game in half this year! Maybe because we are so darn busy!


Shelley Patterson said...

Wow... you guys have been busy! I love that Austin is potty trained now, and that Mylee can walk already. Your kids are just getting so big and SO cute every single day. And yes, you should move to Utah. I want another friend close by!

Unknown said...

Looks like you have been staying pretty darn busy. I can't believe how big your kids are getting, that are adorable and the ou capture such great pictures.