Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Austin thinks he is an Artist!

Remember how I said Austin Loves to color...well it used to be a good thing. He would sit at his table and color in his coloring books (which I loved because I actually got to get some work done while he was entertained)...well I guess he got bored of the books and thinks he is an artist now!

Last week I was so busy with editing that I just let the kids take over the house basically. I was in my office working and Austin came in and laid down by my chair I looked down and this is what I saw:
I laughed and said to myself "he is expressing his artistic side" and I took a picture and didn't think anything of it really.

Well about a half hour my mom stopped by and I went into the front room to answer the door, I went to sit on the couch and this is what I found:

Yeah his artistic expression wasn't so cute anymore!!!
Mom: "Why do you let him have a pen".
Me: "To color, he has never colored on anything besides paper!"
Mom: *amazed look on her face*
Me: "He has been coloring for months and has never done it anywhere before!"
Mom: "He is only 2, you shouldn't let him color!"

So I tried to clean it with the leather cleaner (which came with the couch) and it didn't budge! I didn't freak out because we bought the warranty...I pulled it out and the first thing it says they don't cover is, INK - are you kidding me! I was now mad, not at my son but at the stupid Furniture Row and their bogus warranty, which also doesn't cover stains, burns, rips, and a list of other things -so what DOES it cover!?!?!? I am still mad about it.
But thank goodness for Mr. Clean magic eraser it faded and mostly came off but now there is a litter color on my couch where I cleaned. *sigh* I know I have kids and I can't have nice things, blah,blah,blah! :)

I didn't get mad at Austin but I also couln't find the pen he used...
So the next day while I was working Mylee comes into my office
and low and behold Austin's artistic expression strikes again:

Mylee was ok with it...she loves when Austin wants to play with her!
By this time I was mad! He wouldn't tell me where the pen was, so he sat in timeout for a while. He still wouldn't tell me!

Finally when I was cleaning out their toy basket in the front room I found the pen!
And his artistic expression has stopped!
Good thing I took some pictures because now I laugh about it! :)


Skye said...

Gotta love it!!! That's so funny that Austin wouldn't tell you where the pen was...tricky kid :) You were right when you said our kids were at the same stages. When I read your posts, it feels like I'm reading my own blog.

By the way, Mylee is such a doll!!!

Shelley Patterson said...

I know it's a pain, but being on the outside it is so funny! I do agree with the whole couch warranty though... what exactly DOES it cover?

The Brendles said...

Oh Misty, must I remind you of when Bowen did that only with a bottle of ink??? Stupid worthless furniture row warranty anyway!! At least he is expressing himself right?? Love ya!

Mark and Shelbey said...

That is to funny!! Austin is getting so big and Mylee is so adorable! I love how tiny she is :) Thanks again for letting us come to your Fair parade BBQ!!

Jenny said...

Oh how this made me smile. And the saying "I never have anything nice" that my mother used to say is true cause now I say it sometimes too. And who ever invented the magis eraser is truly god sent.!!! It has saved me time and time again. Hang in there and start buying the multi pack of them.