Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Little Mylee is now 11-Months-Old

My baby girl is almost 1!!! This year has gone by way to fast! I am still having a hard time saying Mylee is 11-months because she is still so tiny. I put her on our scale and it says she is 14.3 lbs...and I just barely put her in size 2 diapers on Monday. And yes she is still in size 3-6 month clothes - BUT I did find out that she can fit into a size 6-9 in The Children's Place clothing! YAY! But all of those 12 month summer clothes I bought on clearance....she will never get to wear! :( I am just glad they were cheap!

Looks like we have another future golfer in the family!

Some things about Mylee:
-She is walking more and more everyday, actually likes to walk more than crawl now!
-Wants to eat whatever you are eating.
-Loves regular food...ok LOVES food period (it's a good thing she is small, that girl can eat!)
-Can drink out of a straw now.
-LOVES water (which isn't anything new)
-Screams if you take anything away from her!
-Can finally put her hair in pigtails (they are tiny but it works).
-Still only has 2 teeth.
-Loves her bottle, can't figure out a sippy.
-Hates her carseat.
-Hates car rides over an hour.
-Takes a 1-3 hour nap almost everyday! :)
-Is sleeping through the night - unless she isn't at home in her crib.
-Loves her stuffed animals.
-Is starting to wear shoes. :)
-Still only says dada...she will say Mama once in a while.
-Likes to follow Austin around.

That's all I can think of. But I love my little Mylee so much. She has been such a wonderful baby...besides never sleeping through the night. She is so content and can entertain herself (or maybe it's Austin). She likes to give hugs and it makes me happy...not really a cuddler but will give you a hug and then be on her way! She's my little sweetie! We are so blessed to have her in our family!

OH and since she turned 11-months-old yesterday I finally sat her down and tried doing her 10-month pictures (I know I am horrible, I've been so busy with other sessions I kept putting it off). Well she didn't want anything to do with it. This is basically what the session was:

I am just happy I got this one. She looks so cute in this one. Love her blue eyes and I haven't even edited these yet!!!! :) Can't wait!

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