Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My little 2-Year-Old

Austin turned two last month and I just realized that I didn't do a post (besides his parties) for him turning two.

Im not going to lie, the day he turned two is the day he became, "terrible" (I didn't think it was going to happen to him because he is such a fun kid but it did) He started his "terrible twos" on his birthday. He is still fun to be around and he has his sweet moments but I can't believe some of the fits he throws! I know it could be worse so I should just be thankful...I guess.

Anyways at his 2-year check up his stats were:

Weight: 27 lbs.
Height: 35 inches

I think he lost some weight from being sick. And it seems like his height is at a stand still. Instead of being in the 90th percentile for height he is now in the 50th - 75th. And in weight he is 25th-50th. I guess he is almost average now - doesn't look like it, now I am starting to think they measured him wrong? Oh he still looks like he is 3-years-old to most people.

He is starting to become independent.

-likes to go to the fridge and get his own food and drinks.
-tries to dress himself and comb his hair.
-still likes to brush his teeth which is funny to watch.
-talks a lot unless he is around someone he is unsure of, he won't talk at all.
-still treats every ball like a golf ball, and every stick or long object as a golf club.
-likes to watch movies now (well only a hand full keep his attention).
-always wants his papa or mama (Grandpa Dan and Grandma Jan).
-LOVES his fruits, and still eats baby veggies
-still loves his "b" (binky) but we have made progress.
-loves trains..."choo choos"
-always wants to hang out with the guys in the, "man cave"
-likes to sing in the car when dad sings.
-has been trying to change his own diaper (working on the potty training for this reason)
-has been caught trying to change Mylee's diaper.
-counts to 5...but won't say 1.
-likes to hold or lay by Mylee.
-still likes to give hugs and kisses. (my fav.)

He is so fun to be around when he isn't throwing fits. We have been playing with the whole potty training thing...not really trying hard but talking to him about it, so we are going to stay home this weekend and see if we can actually have a real try at it. I would love to not change his diaper anymore...the kid can poop! :) And as I said before, he has tried to change his own diaper which was poopy so you can see why we want to do this so early.

I still haven't been able to do his 2-year portraits since it is so cold outside so I don't have any cute pictures of my little 2-year-old but here are some snap shots of him...being him!

Austin golfing in dads "man cave" he putts right handed...drives left handed...throws a ball right handed It will be interesting to see which becomes his Dominate hand

Austin with his bear and "b"
he has been sick a lot this past month so I let him have his "b" a lot
but for the last 4 days now he hasn't had it during the day...
hopefully he is getting over the binkie!

This is Austin's favorite foods oranges, bananas, grapes, and cookies :)

He also likes Pizza.
Here is a funny picture of him when he fell asleep while eating lunch

He loves his "choo-choo" from his mama (Grandma Jan)
He also likes his train from his cousin Bowen (just don't have a pic)

one day I came upstairs and found this:
Austin eating jello on the kitchen floor
(yes that is my nasty kitchen floor, one day it will be replaced)
(you can tell by the ice chunk the jello was pushed to the back of the fridge)

One day I found him eating a bag of cookies
He can get to anything!

The kid makes me smile! I can't believe he is already 2!!! Just seems like yesterday I was rocking him and singing him to sleep...

Austin at a few weeks old

I Love you little buddy...stop growing up so fast!!


The WIlloughby Family said...

He is seriously SOOO stinkin' cute!!! No worries about the binkie, Emily had hers until she was almost 3. They won't be babies for long. I love the last picture of him on the couch, he is a handsome little guy!!!!

Skye said...

Austin is so adorable! I can't believe he is 2 ... and bigger than my 3 year old :) Hang in there with the terrible twos, I've heard they get better!!!

Shelley Patterson said...

They do grow up fast, don't they? That picture of him as a baby is adorable. He looks so innocent. I'm sure he's a handful now! The terrible two's are awful- good luck!

Unknown said...

It was good seeing you and Aaron the other day. Like I said your kids are cuties!! We should try to get together soon, I have a feeling Matti and Austin could get into some trouble together and have a great time. Both of them in their terrible twos could be exciting for us:)