So this summer was the first summer I have played softball in 5 years...just seems like I have been pregnant or with a newborn for the past 3 years so I wasn't interested.
I was so nervous about playing since I hadn't been on a field in years and obviously I was WAY out of shape.
But an old college team mate asked me to play on her team and I decided it was now or never! I am so glad I did. The women’s season was a little rough to start out with - first game I pulled my hamstring and had many bruises by the end of the game LOL but oddly enough I liked it! :) I played catcher (which I was happy about since I was so rusty and the oldest one on the team - yeah most of the team was about 20). We ended up taking 4th in the tournament.
While I did women’s Aaron played men’s league. He had a rough season trying to get dependable people to play. But I think he enjoyed it. We were lucky enough that our games weren't at the same time (most of the time) so we could shift the kids back and forth - they spent a lot of time at the fields this summer. Austin LOVES "beball".
But the best part of softball season this year was co-ed.
Aaron and I were lucky enough to get to play together and help put together a team (thanks a million to his parents who helped out SOOOOO much with the kids - we are very lucky!). I was a little afraid to play on the same team as my husband but glad I did - he was wonderful! I actually felt like I could handle playing in the in field again and I got to play my old base again - 3rd! :) I loved it by the end of the season....even though it is frustrating that I am no where near the skill level I was once at! My reflexes are so slow now, LOL!
Anyways I had to throw a little post in here about our softball seasons since that is where we always were in the evenings....
OH and we didn't place in the co-ed tournament but we did pretty good we were about 50-50 for the season and the same in tournament play, hopefully next year we can have a more reliable team (we always had to find subs, the teammates that were always there were so fun to play with!!!).
We really enjoyed playing! And it's good to be out doing things again, LOL sometimes being a stay at home mom gets to you and you don't do anything for yourself. It was nice to be doing something that's fun and active for myself again!