Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Where is my time?

Once again I feel like I deserve the "worst-mom" award.

I have been so busy with sessions, editing, and enjoying the fact that I finally have a baby who will take naps, that I haven't been very good about taking pictures of my little Mylee! I feel terrible! When Austin was a baby I easily took a thousand pictures his first month. Mylee will be 2 months soon and I have only taken a few since we brought her home.

Austin will be home tomorrow (I am so excited I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight - not like I get much sleep anyways but you get my point!)! I thought I would get so much house work and projects done when he was gone...well I didn't. I really thought that with one kid again I could some how magically get everything done...but it didn't happen. Some days I wonder if I will ever get caught up on things? Will I ever have a clean house again? Will I ever become a decent housewife? Will I get to check things off on my long list of "to do's"? Will I ever learn to balance work and 2 kids?

*sigh* - How is it possible that I can feel so worn-out at night but I have accomplished NOTHING all day?

And what's with the days...they seem to fly by so quickly now. How can it almost be 2010?!?!?

Anyways I am just going on and on so I will post the few pictures I have of Mylee and be done with this post:


Shelley Patterson said...

I understand. I took a million pics every day when Hunter was born, but I have to remind myself to take pics of Ayla. You'll get the hang of things. Just give it time. And you're not a bad mom.

Skye said...

Mylee is such a precious doll! I still can't believe all the hair she has. I can see similar features between her and Austin from the picture of her in the swing. Your kids are absolutely adorable, you guys did good!

And I here you about how fast time flies. Kids grow up too fast and there is not enough time in a day. I'm so exhausted by nighttime, but I look around and have laundry to do, dishes to load, toys to pick up, etc. And I'm not as busy as you with a business to run too!!! Sometimes I clean up at night, but there is nothing wrong with letting dishes sit in the sink overnight, or leaving toys out that would just be out in the morning again anyways :) Keep up the good work Misty, your amazing!!!!

The WIlloughby Family said...

Mylee is getting so big already and she is looking more and more like her Mama!! Love her hair, it is so cute!

Micah and Jen said...

she's adorable! And don't worry....I'm right there with you! I have NO time at all...I still have 4 sessions sitting on my computer and not time to edit them, or energy to do so. I still want to do a special session with the girls (hence the angel wings) but I don't think it's going to happen this week. My house is a mess, my kids are always tired, their mommy is super grumpy, and yeah, I am so far behind I doub I will EVER get all caught up. HOpe things get better for you! And how fun to be getting your little guy home again! :)