Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My 21-Month-Old

So Great news!!! My little buddy is home! :)

Many of you are wondering where he went...

Well he is a spoiled little boy - ok not spoiled just really loved!

His Grandma Jan and Grandpa Dan took him (and his cousins) to California for a week of fun! They went to Lego Land, the zoo, and Knotts Berry Farms. What a lucky little boy, huh!

I did enjoy the little break and I got a lot of work done...but Im not going to lie, I missed him like CRAZY. Everytime I'd hear his little voice on the phone I'd cry. He is such a little talker. He hasn't stopped talking about, Grandma, Grandpa, and KarLee since he got home. And he wasn't happy to see me or Aaron...broke my heart. But when he saw Mylee he got all happy and gave her a kiss. It was way cute! He may only be 21 months but he is a pretty good big brother already!

Since I was doing a post about Austin I decided to throw in a few pictures from a few weeks ago.

I have been spending most of my free time on the computer working and so Austin has been spending that time, TRASHING the room. It's the only way to keep him happy and for me to get some work done....sad to say most of my house looks just like this room!

I don't know if you can really tell but in this picture he is really into his photo book (it's a book that Grandma Jan gave to him with pictures of the family in it) Austin LOVES this book!

And when he isn't in the office with me he is in the front room getting into trouble. This is a picture of his artistic expression he had. He got into Aaron's golf bag and found the markers. I am lucky that his "expression" didn't get all over the furniture! :)

So needless to say Austin is a busy body! My mom calls him "Dennis the Menace". I just wish I had a 1/4 of his energy. I might get the house cleaned once and a while if I did!

As I said before he is a chatterbox! And he picks up on new words all the time. Here are a few he has added to his vocabulary in the past month: Grandma, Grandpa, kaka, go bye-bye, fries, cars, hey guys.

Anyways most of this is journaling stuff so I'll stop boring everyone!

I will say this though- it sure is nice to here Austin's laughter around the house again. There is nothing sweeter than the sound of laughter from your child!


Tony and Shani said...

He looks so grown up! I am impressed with his artistic abilities. I hope you are doing great!!!

Ben and Jen said...

Oh what a fun age! He is getting so big. Good seeing you the other day. Hope my kids were too loud for you. They were going wild!

Shelley Patterson said...

I agree. As much as it's great to have a break, you just miss your kids when they're gone!

Chelsi said...

Lucky guy! He's so dang cute.

Micah and Jen said...

I'm glad he had a good time, and that you got a little break (even if he was greatly missed....I bet it was still nice). And don't worry, my entire house is trashed fromt he kiddos too! And the artistic expression....well, at my house it DID get all over the couch! :) Kids, gotta love em right?

The Ferrell's said...

lucky you!!! Katreenas "artisitc abilities" are all over my walls!!!