Catching Up...

Wow I didn't think I would ever get back to blogging, but I forced myself to sit down and post the pictures I had from the end of last year.
So if anyone wants to see I have back posts from Halloween thru Christmas now. :)

Now onto 2011!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Winter Blues....

I have been the worst blogger lately. I still have stuff from October to post (plus Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Vacation)...will I ever get around to posting them? Who knows. I am going to blame this lack of motivation on the "winter blues" I am dealing with. Going to California and spending 2 weeks in the sun was wonderful...and now that the vacation is over and we are back in the cold, I haven't felt like doing much of anything. January is kind of a depressing month (it is even worse as I get closer to 30). I am having a hard time getting anything done. Even going back to work is a struggle for me (even though I love what I do and I enjoy my photography). Even my kids are cranky! I wish it was warm so I could send them outside to play, and maybe I could have a clean house - for at least 10 minutes!

I think my attitude and depression would melt about if that darn SUN would shine (and the snow would vanish). I could do really well on the island of Kauai!

Am I the only one who feels this way?



The WIlloughby Family said...

BELIEVE are not alone!!!! When it snowed on Tuesday I was bummed seriously!!! Hang in there, spring will come....I think!

Jenni said...

I am right there with you! I soooo need some sunshine and warmth and to go outside and play! Thanks so much for coming down today to play....I have been looking forward to it all week long! :) You are awesome....and I hear you on the whole blog thing...I am still needing to do Halloween and ALL of December. Haven't even started it yet! :) Good luck!!!!

Skye said...

We're in the same boat! I just BARELY updated my blog after 3 months. I did a Halloween--->Christmas post and called it good :) And I totally agree with you....COME OUT SUN!!!