I know it's been a while since I posted...but we've been having so much fun!!!
Once again I don't have a traveling camera so I had to steal my mother-in-laws pictures from our trip to Kauai! There were so many pictures and way to many to post so I just picked the ones that shows what we did and the really cute ones of my kiddos!

Mylee on her first Plane - she was wonderful!!

This is what greeted us when we got to the Condos
So you can understand how huge he was he is at the
bottom of an ice bucket. We had about 6 of these.
Plus a few cute geekos (which we didn't get pics of)

Here is the whole group on the Beach lookin all tan!
OK so there are Tons of photos I wanted to share but finally decided to do some collages to make it a shorter post...

1. Austin didn't like the sand at first
2. He hated it more when Aaron buried him
3. But when he buried KarLee and Keagan he liked it
4. Austin and Aaron makeing a sand castle

1. Brent, Aaron, & Danee Boogie Boarding
2. Aaron pulling KarLee & Keagan on the boards while Austin chases them
3. Dan with his Surfboard
4. Austin sporting his pink binkie and goggles

1. Waimea Canyon (Hawaii's Grand Canyon)
2. Opaekaa Falls
3. Wailua Falls
4. Kilauea Point

Every beach was gorgeous, sun up to sun down - everyday!!

Austin and Grandpa - Austin never wanted to leave his side
unless he was playing with KarLee & Keagan

Spending the day at the pool with the kiddos...
He really loves his little sister!

The happiest baby - Jakson

Checkin out the ocean with daddy

Mylee and her cousin Jakson

Mylee and her first time on the beach
she liked it better than Austin!
When I heard we were going to Kauai for the family trip I was so excited! Last time we went to Hawaii it was on the cruise and we only spent one day on Kauai. I always wanted to go back because it was so beautiful! By far the most beautiful place I have ever been to! I feel so lucky to have married into such a wonderful family who loves to travel like I do. We had so much fun, as you can tell by the pictures! The beaches were heavenly and the sights were paradise! I can't thank my in-laws enough for making it possible for the whole family to go, we enjoyed spending the time with everyone...and of course Austin loved spending every second he could with his cousins! This was a much needed vacation!
It was nice to relax and just do whatever we wanted! We spent most of our time on the beach soaking up the sun. When we weren't tanning we were building sand castles, boogie boarding, surfing, snorkeling, and swimming. One of the funnest things we got to do (which I have no pictures of yet) is whale watching. It was mating season for the humpback whales and we took a boat tour and saw tons of whales. It was amazing and so beautiful. They put a microphone under water and you could hear them talking, it was really neat! We also saw dolphins and turtles.
Nights were usually spent sitting around the table playing cards and eating Jan's homemade carmel popcorn - it is delicious!!! (I know I gained about 10 lbs. this trip, I think everyone did).
Mylee even gained some weight...she would have to - I swear I nursed her every 2 hours!! One thing is for sure, I will never go on vacation when I am nursing a baby again!!! I just have a hard time doing it in front of other people...so Mylee and I did spend some time in our room - where I watch Ghost Hunters (tv show).
Well that pretty much sums up our Kauai trip - it was Heavenly!!